Convert Image into Sketch

In Python, an image is just a two-dimensional array of integers. So one can do a couple of matrix manipulations using various python modules in order to get some very interesting effects. In order to convert the normal image to a sketch, we will change its original RGB values and assign its RGB values similar to grey, in this way a sketch of the input image will be generated. 

Approach 1:

  1. Import all required modules (numpyimageioscipy.ndimageOpenCV)
  2. Take Image input
  3. Check RGB value of image and convert into according to RGB values
  4. Show finale image output using cv2.imwrite()
  5.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

  1. code

  1. # Python program to Convert Image into sketch
  2. # import all the required modules
  3. import numpy as np
  4. import imageio
  5. import scipy.ndimage
  6. import cv2

  7. # take image input and assign variable to it
  8. img = "4.jpeg"

  9.    # function to convert image into sketch
  10.   def rgb2gray(rgb):
  11. # 2 dimensional array to convert image to sketch
  12. return[..., :3], [0.2989, 0.5870, .1140])

  13.     def dodge(front, back):

  14. # if image is greater than 255 (which is not possible) it will convert it to 255
  15. final_sketch = front*255/(255-back)
  16. final_sketch[final_sketch > 255] = 255
  17. final_sketch[back == 255] = 255

  18. # to convert any suitable existing column to categorical type we will use aspect function
  19. # and uint8 is for 8-bit signed integer
  20. return final_sketch.astype('uint8')

  21. ss = imageio.imread(img)
  22. gray = rgb2gray(ss)

  23. i = 255-gray

  24. # to convert into a blur image
  25. blur = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(i, sigma=13)

  26. # calling the function
  27. r = dodge(blur, gray)

  28. cv2.imwrite('4.png', r)

  29.      Approach 2:
  30.    Import cv2:

    --> pip install cv2
  31. Then we will import cv2 inside our code, after that, we will use some of the following functions: 

    1. imread()- This function will load the image i.e in the specified folder. 

    2. cvtColor()- This function takes color as an argument and then changes the source image color into that color.

    3. bitwise_not()- This function will help the image to keep the properties as same by providing the masking to it.

    4. GaussianBlur()- This function is used to modify the image by sharpening the edges of the image, smoothen the image, and will minimize the

    blurring property.

    5. divide()- This function is used for the normalization of the image as it doesn’t lose its previous properties.

    Finally will save the image using imwrite() function.

  32. import cv2

    image = cv2.imread('Image.jpg') # loads an image from the specified file

    # convert an image from one color space to another

    grey_img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    invert = cv2.bitwise_not(grey_img) # helps in masking of the image

    # sharp edges in images are smoothed while minimizing too much blurring

    blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(invert, (21, 21), 0)

    invertedblur = cv2.bitwise_not(blur)

    sketch = cv2.divide(grey_img, invertedblur, scale=256.0)

    cv2.imwrite("sketch.png", sketch) # converted image is saved as mentioned name

  33. Example 1:

    Input image:

  34. Output:

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